Country - State/Region
Date format must be "mm/dd/yyyy". The Birth Date field is required for junior handler eligibility for participation in the Junior Handler classes and will be kept confidential. To change or add a birth date, please contact the World Cynosport Rally office.
To ensure your information remains as secure as possible, we require that you provide some information in the form of a security question/answer. This information will be required to reset your password.
Dog activities currently involved in
I understand and agree that the stated personal information above is provided both for administrative and promotional purposes. World Cynosport Rally Limited (WCRL) will only publicly distribute Names, Cities, States, Countries and information in the Competitor Profile as supplied above to the media and others for promotion of the sport of Rally Obedience and other canine sports. I grant rights to World Cynosport Rally and its affiliates, agents and assigns, and waive any claims relative to the use of the information, privacy and my personal identity in connection with this information and will not hold World Cynosport Rally Limited liable for invasion of privacy or such similar claim. Further, by registering with World Cynosport Rally Limited, I authorise WCRL to contact me using my personal contact information on file, including postal address, telephone and email address, regarding any matters related to WCRL and my registration, including but not limited to my registration, activities, events, and news about the organization and its activities.